Read our sustainability report - 2020/21

Read our sustainability report - 2020/21

We have just released our Sustainability report covering the financial year 2020/21. The report gives a great insight into how we work with sustainability – both on a long-term basis and a daily basis.

This financial year has been an extraordinary year for Schur. Not only have we celebrated our 175th-anniversary as a family-owned company – we have also finalized the generational succession from 5th to 6th generation. In the management statement of this year’s sustainability report, the Schur family states:

“We know that many contributing factors have enabled us to reach our 175th anniversary. One of these is a constant focus on sustainability – of course in a societal context. In 1846, sustainability was one thing where the social order has developed intensively throughout the years. However, we know that we have always practiced responsible business conduct, cared about the environment and not least the people surrounding us. These elements run deeply in our DNA along with our commitment to orderliness and our strong Schur values. Whether it is about being close to our customers or employees or focusing on how we can minimize our footprint on the environment, our goal is to enable a sustainable future for generations to come.”

Today, we work with sustainability in different ways. For one thing, we support the work with UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In 2020/21, we continued our work and efforts to support SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy; SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth as well as SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production. Our initiatives on this matter are elaborated in the report. In addition to this, our approach to sustainable and responsible business conduct is fully founded in our commitment to working with and adhering to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD guidelines on responsible business conduct.

These declarations come to life in a more tangible level as well. Once again, our companies around the world have participated to the report with cases from their every-day life. You can find these cases in the report under the heading “Lead by Example”.

We have gathered some of the results from this year’s report in the recap below – and you can read the entire report right here.